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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - pool


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 »WATER« a) a swimming pool or paddling pool  (Does the hotel have a pool? | an inflatable rubber wading pool) b) a small area of still water in a hollow place  (The children hunted for crabs in the pools between the rocks. | where the stream formed a shallow pool) 2 a pool of water/blood/light etc a small area of liquid or light on a surface  (Trautman lay unconscious in a pool of blood. | His desk lamp cast a pool of light on the documents.) 3 »GAME« a game in which you use a stick to knock numbered balls into holes around a table, which is often played in bars  (- compare snooker1) 4 »FOOTBALL« the pools a system in Britain in which people try to win money each week by guessing the results of football games 5 »GROUP OF THINGS/PEOPLE« a) a number of things or an amount of money that is shared by a group of people b) a group who are available to work when they are needed  (a pool of volunteers for community projects)  (- see also car pool1, gene pool, typing pool) ~2 v to combine your money, ideas, skills etc with those of other people so that you can all use them  (pool your resources)  (Investors agreed to pool their resources to develop the property.)
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  (pools, pooling, pooled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pool is the same as a swimming pool. ...a heated indoor pool... During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded. N-COUNT 2. A pool is a fairly small area of still water. The pool had dried up and was full of bracken and reeds. N-COUNT see also rock pool 3. A pool of liquid or light is a small area of it on the ground or on a surface. She was found lying in a pool of blood... The lamps on the side-tables threw warm pools of light on the polished wood. N-COUNT: N of n 4. A pool of people, money, or things is a quantity or number of them that is available for an organization or group to use. The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n see also car pool 5. If a group of people or organizations pool their money, knowledge, or equipment, they share it or put it together so that it can be used for a particular purpose. We pooled ideas and information... VERB: V n 6. Pool is a game played on a large table covered with a cloth. Players use a long stick called a cue to hit a white ball across the table so that it knocks coloured balls with numbers on them into six holes around the edge of the table. N-UNCOUNT 7. If you do the pools, you take part in a gambling competition in which people try to win money by guessing correctly the results of football matches. (BRIT) The odds of winning the pools are about one in 20 million. = football pools N-PLURAL: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English pol; akin to Old High German pfuol ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a small and rather deep body of usually fresh water  (2) a quiet place in a stream  (3) a body of water forming above a dam  b. something resembling a ~ a ~ of light  2. a small body of standing liquid  3. a continuous area of porous sedimentary rock that yields petroleum or gas  4. swimming ~  II. intransitive verb  Date: 1626  1. to form a ~  2. of blood to accumulate or become static (as in the veins of a bodily part)  III. noun  Etymology: French poule, literally, hen, from Old French, feminine of poul cock — more at pullet  Date: 1708  1.  a. an aggregate stake to which each player of a game has contributed  b. all the money bet by a number of persons on a particular event  2.  a. a game played on an English billiard table in which each of the players stakes a sum and the winner takes all  b. any of various games of billiards played on an oblong table having 6 pockets with usually 15 object balls  3. an aggregation of the interests or property of different persons made to further a joint undertaking by subjecting them to the same control and a common liability  4. a readily available supply: as  a. the whole quantity of a particular material present in the body and available for function or the satisfying of metabolic demands  b. a body product (as blood) collected from many donors and stored for later use  c. a group of people available for some purpose a shrinking ~ of applicants typing ~  5. gene ~  6. a group of journalists from usually several news organizations using ~ed resources (as television equipment) to produce shared coverage especially of events to which access is restricted  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1879 to combine (as resources) in a common ~ or effort ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a small body of still water, usu. of natural formation. 2 a small shallow body of any liquid. 3 = swimming-pool (see SWIM). 4 a deep place in a river. --v. 1 tr. form into a pool. 2 intr. (of blood) become static. Etymology: OE pol, MLG, MDu. pol, OHG pfuol f. WG 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a (often attrib.) a common supply of persons, vehicles, commodities, etc. for sharing by a group of people (a typing pool; a pool car). b a group of persons sharing duties etc. 2 a the collective amount of players' stakes in gambling etc. b a receptacle for this. 3 a a joint commercial venture, esp. an arrangement between competing parties to fix prices and share business to eliminate competition. b the common funding for this. 4 a US a game on a billiard-table with usu. 16 balls. b Brit. a game on a billiard-table in which each player has a ball of a different colour with which he tries to pocket the others in fixed order, the winner taking all of the stakes. 5 a group of contestants who compete against each other in a tournament for the right to advance to the next round. --v.tr. 1 put (resources etc.) into a common fund. 2 share (things) in common. 3 (of transport or organizations etc.) share (traffic, receipts). 4 Austral. sl. a involve (a person) in a scheme etc., often by deception. b implicate, inform on. Phrases and idioms the pools Brit. = football pool. Etymology: F poule (= hen) in same sense: assoc. with POOL(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) пруд; водохранилище; водоём 2) бассейн; резервуар 3) объём [наполнение] водохранилища 4) бьеф 5) залежь (промышленное скопление нефти или газа в изолированном коллекторе) 6) отстойник; грязевик 7) карман (электролизёра) 8) ванна (напр. металла); сварочная ванна 9) лунка (жидкого металла в кристаллизаторе) 10) совокупность; банк (данных) 11) динамическая область; пул (памяти) 12) пул (вид соглашения о взаимной коммерческой деятельности ) 13) объединение 14) объединённые запасы; общий фонд объединять в [создавать] общий фонд to tap oil pool — вскрывать нефтяную залежь - acid moorland pool - aerated pool - buffer pool - commercial pool - condensate pool - core pool - cushion pool - electric power pool - erosion pool - flood-control pool - gas pool - helium pool - high-gravity oil pool - high-viscosity oil pool - lock pool - low-density oil pool - lower pool - melt pool - meltwater pool - molten pool - oil pool - page pool - pallet pool - plunge pool - power pool - pressure suppression pool - rain pool - resting pool - sodium pool - solar heated swimming pool - sour gas pool - spent fuel storage pool - stilling pool - storage pool - surcharge pool - swimming pool - tailwater pool - technical pool - tidal pool - typing pool - unaerated pool - under pool - underground storage pools - upper pool ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  водоём, бассейн бьеф core pool covered swimming pool cushioning pool indoor swimming pool open-air swimming pool outdoor swimming pool paddling pool roofed swimming pool stilling pool swimming pool upper pool ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  (модемный) пул – modem pool – safety pool – session pool – system pool ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) бассейн 2) бьеф 3) грязевик 4) энерг. залежь нефтяная промышленная 5) электр. лужица 6) объединение 7) объединять 8) отстойник 9) экон. пул 10) резервуар 11) сборник 12) складывать 13) соединять grid pool tube — тех. выпрямитель газоразрядный с сеткой indoor swimming pool — закрытый плавательный бассейн outdoor swimming pool — открытый плавательный бассейн - flood pool - oil pool - paddling pool - pool cathode - pool interactions - pool tube ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  поддон ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1. сущ. 1) объединение 2) общий фонд 3) пул (соглашение картельного типа между конкурентами) 4) объединенные запасы • - Black Pool - bear pool - bull pool - dollar pool - establish a pool - money pool - patent pool - pool of foreign exchange - pool of international liquidity - sterling pool - sterling-area pool - wheat pool 2. гл. 1) объединять в общий фонд 2) объединяться в пул, объединять в пул - pool commodities - pool foreign exchange - pool interests - pool patents - pool profits - pool resources POOL пул; объединение; объединяться в пул – licensing pool – patent pool – patent license pool ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) группа, совокупность 2) пул, фонд 3) водоём; бассейн; водохранилище 4) лужа; заводь; полынья – amino acid pool – common pool – energy pool – gene pool – local pool – metabolic pool – neuron pool – phage mating pool – tissue pool ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. (the Pool) разг. сокр. от pool 1. лужа; лужица; прудок; озерцо pool of blood —- лужа крови 2. заводь; омут 3. (the Pool) Пул (часть Темзы немного ниже Лондонского моста) 4. (плавательный) бассейн diving pool —- бассейн для прыжков в воду indoor pool —- закрытый бассейн 5. гидр. бьеф 6. геол. нефтяная площадь, залежь; нефтяное месторождение 7. спец. резервуар; сборник; отстойник; грязевик 8. сварочная ванна 9. горн. зарубать, подрубать 10. общий фонд; объединенные запасы; общий котел pool of foreign exchange —- общий фонд иностранной валюты dollar pool —- объединенный долларовый фонд wheat pool —- пшеничный пул a pool of brilliant scientists —- резерв (кадры) блестящих ученых electric power pool —- объединенная энергосистема 11. пул, объединение (соглашение картельного типа между конкурентами) 12. бюро, объединение typewriting pool —- машинописное бюро car pool —- гараж, автобаза (учреждения); группа договорившихся по очереди обслуживать друг друга автомашиной (для доставки на станцию, в школу и т. п.) secretarial pool —- группа секретарш, работающих по очереди или по договоренности 13. воен. резерв имущества 14. совокупность ставок (в картах, на скачках) to scoop the pool —- разг. сорвать банк; крупно выиграть 15. карт. пулька (фехтование) 16. пул...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I noun  1) лужа; прудок  2) омут; заводь  3) sport (плавательный) бассейн (тж. swimming pool)  4) hydr. бьеф  5) geol. нефтяная залежь II  1. noun  1) общий фонд; объединенный резерв; общий котел  2) пул (соглашение картельного типа между конкурентами); stock market pool - биржевое объединение  3) бюро, объединение; a typing pool - машинописное бюро  4) совокупность ставок (в картах, на скачках), пулька (в карточной игре)  5) пул (род бильярдной игры)  2. v. объединять в общий фонд, складываться; to pool interests - действовать сообща ...
Англо-русский словарь
  softw. abbr. Persistent Object Oriented Layer gen. comp. abbr. Parallel Object Oriented Language sport abbr. Privately Owned And Operated Leagues NASDAQ abbr. S C P Pool Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: CAR POOL. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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